A huge meeting organized through social media on the title – DIASPORA COMES HOME – took place in Bucharest – on 10 August 2018
The meeting follows the line of the protests that started 11 years and half ago – demanding justice against corruption gathering more than 60 000 people . It is the protest of people from Diaspora who left the country because of corruption and poverty and who came to support the waves of protest against the way a corrupted party governs the country
People from all over the country joined the Diaspora in front of the government in the Victory square. Thousands of people in other big cities of the country are in the street protesting.
The people chanted “resign” and “thieves”
Till for 4 PM, the gendarmerie tried to intimidate the protesters
Group of 20 agitators threw bottles toward gendarmes, the pretext expected by gendarmes in order to react violently
A woman in a will chair is pushed by solder and both her and the man who was accompanying her fell down
As the woman in the will chair, the people protested peacefully but the police gassed peaceful population
The Professor, Mihaela Miroiu , political analyst considers :
organized diversions; gendarmes hit; girs with legs or broken arms; people carried by the ambulance; chideren children in critical condition, Tear gases in countless laps. The government gasses and drowns its citizens.
The protests will continue